+91 99905 25000

Connect & Test Now


  • Global Message
  • Short Code
    Long Code
  • Binary / Flash /
    Unicode SMS Support
  • Exceptional
  • Full Regulatory
  • Transactional &
    Promotional Routes
  • Long Message Support
    through Concatenation
  • Delivery Reports
    with Error Codes


  • Real Time MIS
    & Analytics
  • 24/7
  • Technical Account
  • 99.9% Service Uptime
  • Scalable & Secure
  • Quality of


  • "We chose Softgains, because we thought they will deliver. When thoughts got converted into reality we got peace of mind. It's always been a pleasure, not only do they promise; they deliver! In addition to that they give us the comfort to operate as per our convenience. Weekend support and end of day support is critical for our business model and Softgains has always delivered when we have asked for it. We are happy and will continue this relationship going forward."

    Business Head
    Hash Media

  • "We have been associated with Softgains for over 6 years now and this relationship has evolved over a period of time. What started off really small is now a fairly significant relationship. What we have seen with Softgains is a bunch of people who are driven towards problem solving for the client. Whatever time of the day it is, these guys go out of the way to figure out solutions, which has enabled and helped us in growing our business. I believe that this relationship will go from strength to strength in the future."



Founded in 2009, Softgains is a B2B company connecting enterprises to consumers, enabling intelligent conversations across channels through various communication platforms.

We empower 4Bn interactions per month and offer the following :

  • Communication platform as a service: Cloud based platform/APIs for SMS, Voice, Email and Authentication
  • Cross channel communication platform: Marketing automation platform integrating channels of SMS, Email, Voice and Social media for better communication workflows
  • AI driven conversation platform: Build, host and manage intelligent Natural Language Processing enabled Bots

Driven by 100+ passionate employees serving a diversified customer base across BFSI, E-commerce, Retail, IT Software, Manufacturing, Internet, Automobile, Government sector, Education, Travel, Media, Hospitality, Healthcare, Consumer verticals, etc.

The company enjoys strong relationships with telecom operators and has a global footprint across India, Middle East, Bangladesh ,Nepal & UK.